Section: New Results

Security Protocol Verification

The design of cryptographic protocols is error-prone. Without a careful analysis, subtle flaws may be discovered several years after the publication of a protocol, yielding potential harmful attacks. In this context, formal methods have proved their interest for obtaining good security guarantees. Many analysis techniques have been proposed in the literature [66] . We have edited a book [62] where each chapter presents an important and now standard analysis technique. We develop new techniques for richer primitives, wider classes of protocols and higher security guarantees. In Section 7.4.3 we consider derived testing techniques for verifying protocol implementations.

Design of Voting Protocols

Participants : Véronique Cortier, Stéphane Glondu, Steve Kremer, Peter Rønne.

Voting is a cornerstone of democracy and many voting systems have been proposed so far, from old paper ballot systems to purely electronic voting schemes. Although many works have been dedicated to standard protocols, very few address the challenging class of voting protocols.

One famous e-voting protocol is Helios, an open-source web-based end-to-end verifiable electronic voting system, used e.g., by UCL and the IACR association in real elections. One main advantage of Helios is its verifiability, up-to the ballot box (a dishonest ballot box may add ballots). We have defined a variant of Helios, named Belenios, that prevents from ballot stuffing, even against a dishonest ballot box. Our approach consists in introducing an additional authority that provides credentials that the ballot box can verify but not forge. Belenios(https://belenios.loria.fr ) has been implemented by Stéphane Glondu (cf Section  6.1.3 ).

Helios as well as Belenios are not receipt-free, that is, a (malicious) voter can prove how they voted to any third party. Building upon a scheme proposed by G. Fuschbauer and David Pointcheval, we have enhanced Belenios with a receipt-free variant, called BeleniosRF. Now, the ballot box can re-randomize any (signed) ballot it receives. This way, a voter can no longer exhibit the randomness they used to build their ballot.

End-to-end verifiable voting schemes typically involves voters handling an encrypted ballot in order to confirm that their vote is accurately included in the tally. While this may be technically valid, from a public acceptance standpoint it may be problematic: many voters may not really understand the purpose of the encrypted ballot and the various checks that they can perform. In [61] we take a different approach and revisit an old idea: to provide each voter with a private tracking number. Votes are posted on a bulletin board in the clear along with their associated tracking number. This is appealing in that it provides voters with a very simple, intuitive way to verify their vote, in the clear. However, there are obvious drawbacks: we must ensure that no two voters are assigned the same tracker and we need to keep the trackers private. We propose a new scheme, called Selene, that addresses both of these problems: we ensure that voters get unique trackers and we close off the coercer's window of opportunity by ensuring that the voters only learn their tracking numbers after votes have been posted. The resulting scheme provides receipt-freeness, and indeed a good level of coercion-resistance while also providing a more immediately understandable form of verifiability. The cryptography is under the bonnet as far as the voter is concerned.

In 2010 Hao, Ryan and Zielinski proposed a simple decentralised e-voting protocol that only requires 2 rounds of communication. Thus, for k elections their protocol needs 2k rounds of communication. Observing that the first round of their protocol is aimed to establish the public-keys of the voters, we propose in [60] an extension of the protocol as a non-interactive e-voting scheme in the public-key setting (NIVS) in which the voters, after having published their public-keys, can use the corresponding secret-keys to participate in an arbitrary number of one-round elections. We first construct a NIVS with a standard tally function where the number of votes for each candidate is counted. Further, we present constructions for two alternative types of elections. Specifically in the first type (dead or alive elections) the tally shows if at least one voter cast a vote for the candidate. In the second one (elections by unanimity), the tally shows if all voters cast a vote for the candidate. Our constructions are based on bilinear groups of prime order. As definitional contribution we provide formal computational definitions for privacy and verifiability of NIVSs. We conclude by showing intriguing relations between our results, secure computation, electronic exams and conference management systems.

Analysis of Voting Protocols

Participants : Véronique Cortier, Catalin Dragan, Steve Kremer, Peter Rønne.

Properties. Even a basic property like ballot secrecy is difficult to define formally and several definitions co-exist. We studied all game-based privacy definitions of the literature and discovered that none of them was satisfactory: they were either limited (not fully modeling e-voting protocols), or too strong (incompatible with verifiability), or even flawed for a few of them [25] . Based on our findings, we have proposed a new game-based privacy definition BPRIV, proved that it implies simulation-based privacy and showed that it is realized by the Helios protocol [25] .

Proof. Such a proof of privacy for Helios is done by hand and is error-prone. Moreover, there is not a single version of Helios. Instead, many slight variants of Helios may be considered (e.g. early and late weeding, weeding based on the identity or on the ciphertexts, mixnet or homomorphic tally, etc.). Each of these variants would require a new proof. Therefore, we are conducting a proof of Helios and Belenios through the Easycrypt framework. This first fully formal proof will cover most existing variants of Helios and Belenios.

Analysis. Existing automated analysis techniques are inadequate to deal with commonly used cryptographic primitives, such as homomorphic encryption and mix-nets, as well as some fundamental security properties, such as verifiability. In collaboration with Matteo Maffei and Fabienne Eigner (Saarland University) we propose a novel approach based on refinement type systems for the automated analysis of two fundamental properties of e-voting protocols, namely, vote privacy and verifiability. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by developing the first automated analysis of Helios using an off-the-shelf type-checker [32] .

A challenging problem in e-voting is to provide guarantees when the voting platform itself is corrupted. Du-Vote  [73] is a recently presented remote electronic voting scheme that aims to be malware tolerant, i.e., provide security even in the case where the platform used for voting has been compromised by dedicated malware. For this it uses an additional hardware token, similar to tokens distributed in the context of online banking. Du-Vote aims at providing vote privacy as long as either the vote platform or the vote server is honest. For verifiability, the security guarantees are even higher, as even if the token's software has been changed, and the platform and the server are colluding, attempts to change the election outcome should be detected with high probability. In recent work [41] we provide an extensive security analysis of Du-Vote and show several attacks on both privacy as well as verifiability. We also propose changes to the system that would avoid many of these attacks.

Other Families of Protocols

Participants : Véronique Cortier, Jannik Dreier, Alicia Filipiak, Steve Kremer, Ludovic Robin.

Secure Mobile Applications. There is a growing development of Secure Elements for Mobile Phone and Tablets. These Secure Elements are hosted in the SIM for example and can perform cryptographic operations. This opens the way for a much higher level of security in such environnements. However, how to use these secure elements is still very unclear. How keys will be registered in Secure Elements? Which applications may access to the keys and how is this enforced? Which part of the application should be deployed in a Secure Element? It is of course not possible to host an entire application in a Secure Element for size and performance issues. Alicia Filipiak has started a PhD in March 2015 to propose a model for secure mobile applications that make use of Secure Elements. This is a collaboration with Orange Labs (CIFRE). She has proposed a light and secure paiement application which is compatible with standard paiement systems (EMV). The proof of security is conducted in Tamarin, in order to cope with global states.

Protocols using low-entropy secrets. Many two factor authentication protocols consider an additional authentic, but low bandwidth channel to send a confirmation code. A typical example is to send such a code by SMS to a user's mobile phone. Given that such codes need to be copied by users they are short and therefore vulnerable to offline brute-force attacks. Ludovic Robin has started a PhD thesis in October 2014 and proposed a model to take into account an attacker's capability to run such brute-force attacks. While the problem is reminiscent to guessing attacks in password-based protocols, several subtle differences make this problem more difficult. Ludovic is adapting the decision procedure implemented in Akiss in order to decide protocol security in the presence of such an attacker.

Auction protocols. Auctions have a long history, having been recorded as early as 500 B.C.. Nowadays, electronic auctions have been a great success and are increasingly used in various applications. Many cryptographic protocols have been proposed to address the various security requirements of these electronic transactions, in particular to ensure privacy. Jannik Dreier, in collaboration with Pascal Lafourcade from Université d'Auvergne and Jean-Guillaume Dumas from Université Grenoble Alpes, recently performed a detailed analysis [15] of Brandt's auction protocol that computes the winner using homomorphic operations on a distributed ElGamal encryption of the bids. Jannik and his coauthors were able to show that this protocol – when using malleable interactive zero-knowledge proofs – is vulnerable to attacks by dishonest bidders. Such bidders can manipulate the publicly available data in a way that allows the seller to deduce all participants' bids. They developed an efficient parallelized implementation of the protocol and the attack to show its practicality.

Automated Verification of Indistinguishability Properties

Participants : Vincent Cheval, Rémy Chrétien, Véronique Cortier, Antoine Dallon, Jannik Dreier, Steve Kremer.

New emerging classes of protocols such as voting protocols often require to model less classical security properties, such as anonymity properties, strong versions of confidentiality and resistance to offline guessing attacks. Many of these properties can be modelled using the notion of indistinguishability by an adversary, which can be conveniently modeled using process equivalences.

Active case, bounded number of sessions. We previously proposed a procedure for approximating trace equivalence in the case of a bounded number of sessions, i.e., for a replication free fragment of a cryptographic process calculus. The procedure is implemented in the Akiss tool. While we proved soundness and correctness for any convergent rewrite system that has the finite variant property, termination of the procedure was still an open question. We have recently shown that the procedure indeed terminates for the class of subterm convergent rewrite systems. We are currently also working on an extension of Akiss in order to verify protocols that may use the exclusive or operator. This extensions requires us to reason modulo associativity and commutativity. While proving soundness and completeness of a naive extension of the existing procedure is a rather straightforward, the resulting procedure faces directly non-termination. We therefore adapt the resolution strategy to ensure termination on practical examples. While soundness is preserved we need to prove the completeness of the new resolution strategy.

When considering the equational theory corresponding to the standard primitives, Vincent Cheval has proposed a decision procedure for checking equivalence of set constraints, which yields a procedure for checking trace equivalence  [69] . We have extended this decision procedure to the case where the attacker can observe the time of executions [27] , capturing what is called timing attacks. To obtain decidability, we have shown how to reduce to a previous result to decide length trace equivalence, where the attacker no longer has access to execution times but can still compare the length of messages. As an application, we study several protocols that aim for privacy. In particular, we (automatically) detect an existing timing attack against the biometric passport and new timing attacks against the Private Authentication protocol.

Active case, unbounded number of sessions.

We have shown that for some classes of protocols, decidability of trace equivalence can be reduced to equivalence of deterministic pushdown automata [13] . Equivalence of deterministic pushdown automata is decidable  [79] and the corresponding decision procedure has been recently implemented by Géraud Senizergues. Based on his tool, we have developed a tool for automatically checking equivalence, for an unbounded number of sessions.

For trace properties such as secrecy and authentication, it has been shown that it is sufficient to consider typically three agents, two honest and one dishonest agents [70] . This result no longer holds for equivalence properties. Antoine Dallon has recently started a PhD thesis on deciding equivalence properties. He has shown that it is sufficient to consider two honest agents and two dishonest agents for equivalence properties, for deterministic processes with standard primitives and without else branches. More generally, he shows how to bound the number of agents for arbitrary constructor theories and for protocols with simple else branches. These hypotheses are tight, and counter-examples are provided for non action-deterministic processes, non constructor theories, or protocols with complex else branches.

When proving security in symbolic settings for an unbounded number of sessions, a typical technique (like in the aforementioned result) consists in abstracting away fresh nonces and keys by a bounded set of constants. While this abstraction is clearly sound in the context of secrecy properties (for protocols without else branches), this is no longer the case for equivalence properties. We have shown how to soundly get rid of nonces in the context of equivalence properties [30] . We show that nonces can be replaced by constants provided that each nonce is associated to two constants (instead of typically one constant for secrecy properties). Our result holds for deterministic (simple) protocols and a large class of primitives that includes e.g. standard primitives, blind signatures, and zero-knowledge proofs.

Of course, our abstraction of nonces may introduce false attacks. To avoid this, it is necessary to consider protocols with nonce. We have provide the first decidability result for trace equivalence of security protocols, for an unbounded number of sessions and unlimited fresh nonces [31] . Our class encompasses most symmetric key protocols of the literature, in their tagged variant.

Decomposing equivalence. Unique decomposition has been a subject of interest in process algebra for a long time (for example in BPP or CCS in the 1980s), as it provides a normal form and useful cancellation properties. In recent work [16] Jannik Dreier, together with Cristian Ene and Yassine Lakhnech from Université Grenoble Alpes as well as Pascal Lafourcade from Université d'Auvergne, proved two parallel decomposition results for subsets of the applied π-calculus. They showed that every closed normed (i.e. with a finite shortest complete trace) process P can be decomposed uniquely into prime factors Pi with respect to strong labeled bisimilarity, i.e. such that PlP1|...|Pn. Moreover, they proved that closed finite processes can be decomposed uniquely with respect to weak labeled bisimilarity. They also investigated whether efficient algorithms that compute the unique decompositions exist, which would be useful for the verification of equivalences. It turned out that the simpler problem of deciding whether a process is in its unique decomposition form is undecidable in general in both cases, due to potentially undecidable equational theories. Moreover, the unique decomposition remains undecidable even given an equational theory with a decidable word problem.

Securely Composing Protocols

Participants : Vincent Cheval, Véronique Cortier, Éric Le Morvan.

Protocols are often built in a modular way. For example, authentication protocols may assume pre-distributed keys or may assume secure channels. However, when an authentication protocol has been proved secure assuming pre-distributed keys, there is absolutely no guarantee that it remains secure when executing a real protocol for distributing the keys. During his PhD thesis, Éric Le Morvan has shown how to securely realize the three main types of channels: secure (unreadable and untappable), confidential (unreadable), and authenticated (untappable) channels [54] .